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Roche Foundation Medicine | Home

*Comprehensive genomic profiling is a next-generation sequencing approach, able to detect both novel and known variants, including all classes of genomic alterations (base substitutions, insertions and deletions, copy number alterations and rearrangements) and genomic signatures (for example Tumor Mutational Burden [TMB] or blood Tumour Mutational Burden [bTMB], Microsatellite Instability [MSI], and Loss of Heterozygosity [LoH]), to provide prognostic, diagnostic and predictive insights that inform treatment decisions for individual patients across all cancer types (CGP insights can be generated either from an end-to-end, curated reporting service or through in-house testing solutions).

†Base substitutions, insertions & deletions, copy number alterations and rearrangements.

‡TMB reported by FoundationOne CDx and FoundationOne Heme. bTMB reported by FoundationOne Liquid CDx. MSI reported by FoundationOne CDx and FoundationOne Heme, MSI-H reported by FoundationOne Liquid CDx.
